Friday, January 23, 2009

My Adventures in Technology

I have successfully subscribed to Google Reader and am fairly impressed with it thus far. It is an efficient way to keep up with the blogs of others. I have posted comments on a few pages and hopefully they have all recorded. I am sure the ones I left on blogspot did but am not as familiar with the workings of wordpress. I am still procrastinating on the YouTube video. I am quite vain and being nine months pregnant with a nose that looks like it belongs to Rudolph (I have a cold) is not inspiring me to get behind a camera and post my video on an international site.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,

    I totoally agree with you on the ease and ability to use Google Reader as a tool to keep oneself informed of others' blogs. Alec in a previous undergrad class showed us a similar product (though the names escapes me at the moment) but I failed to see the ease/use of it at the time. Reader seems so much simpler and user friendly I can see myself using this after this course ends.

