Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5 - Media Part 2

I had the opportunity to watch Larry Lessig's video How Creativity is Being Stifled by the Law on TED. Here is the link to the video: Trevor and Todd had great blog postings about it so I decided that it would be worth watching. Lessig is a very entertaining and passionate lecturer. I like how he described that we have come full circle back to the read-write society of long ago because of the capabilities of modern technology. The remixed videos he showed of Jesus and George Bush were hilarious. They showed how everything old can be new again, and even better than the first time. He made an excellent point at the end of the video when he talked about how different we are than today's kids all because they have access to so much more technology than we did growing up. He talked about how we made mixed tapes while they remix music. We watched television while they make television. Modern technology is not going anywhere so by having strict copyright laws we are not going to discourage kids from using copyrighted information, they are just going to go underground with it.

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