Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 31 Lecture

Dr. Couros showed us many interesting websites last night. I will definitely have to check some of them out. The Post Secret sight interested me - I am a terrible snoop. The YouTube video where all of the individual musicians were synced together to make music was also very cool. The surveys that showed how connected to technology a group of students were was interesting. We talked about the importance of incorporating that connectivity into schools so we do not lose students. During this lecture it struck me, as it has repeatedly during the course of this class, that we as educators have to incorporate the use of technology in schools or these institutions are going to become obsolete. My "old" way of teaching needs to change to incorporate a "new" way that engages modern learners.

P.S. I checked out Post Secret. It is quite entertaining and suprisingly artistic. I signed up to follow the site on Twitter so I should never miss a secret again ;). Here is the link to Post Secret:

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