Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Adventures in Technology - Twitter Part 2

I have finally had time to explore Twitter further. It amazes me that some people, like Dr. Couros, are following over 1000 people (or groups). How can a person keep up with that many entities? It is even more amazing that over 2000 people are following him. Is there a point where technology becomes unmanageable? I only have a few people following me... I guess I am not that interesting... so this won't be a problem for me anytime in the future :).

P.S. My repeated attempts to download a picture on Twitter were a failure. I am not really sure why??

P.P.S. I successfully downloaded a picture to Twitter.


  1. Megan, you need to resize your picture. Make it smaller. You can adjust it using mircosoft photo editor. Click on the image tab and drag down to the resize button. I think you will find if you make the image smaller it will work. I read somewhere that it is a good idea to use a close up so that your profile pic is easier to see. Hope this helps. Looking forward to hearing from you on Twitter.
